Restoration of calcareous grassland in eastern Luxembourg

The aim of the Life+ Nature-project is to secure all remaining calcareous grasslands  (FFH 6210) and existing juniper formations (FFH 5130) in the southeast of Luxembourg and restore them on as many historically known or potential sites as possible.

The national habitat inventory (2014) revealed that the majority of the existing calcareous grassland sites are in an average condition. According to this inventory, it was no longer possible to consider many of the previously known sites as grassland as they had been encroached by scrub and succumbed to natural succession.

(Deutsch) Orchideen und Kalkmagerrasen

(Deutsch) Montag, 25. Mai, 10.00 – 12.30 Uhr
Parkplatz Scheierbierg, route de Remich, Remich
Das Gebiet um den Scheierbierg ist reich an gefährdeten Kal kmagerrasen. Im Rahmen des Spaziergangs wird das europäische Life Orchis-Projektes vorgestellt in dem neben dem Erhalt wertvoller Flächen auch neue Flächen wiederhergestellt werden sollen. Öffentlicher Transport: Remich, Janglisbunn
Organisation: natur&ëmwelt Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur (
Kontakt: Elena Granda Alonso, Georges Moes, Tel.: 26 66 55 37,