Celebration 25 anniversary of Natura 2000 and LIFE together with LIFE ORCHIS

Anlässlich des 25. Geburtstages des europäischen Natura 2000 Schutzgebietsnetzes und des europäischen LIFE Programmes lud natur&ëmwelt Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur zu einer Feier nach Junglinster. Auf dem Groeknapp stelle das, von natur&ëmwelt Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur derzeit durchgeführte LIFE ORCHIS Projekt Ergebnisse der bisherigen Arbeit vor.

Mike Hagen erster Schöffe der Gemeinde Junglinster unterstrich die besondere Bedeutung einer ökologisch wertvollen Landschaft und der damit verbundenen Herausforderungen vor dem Hintergrund der zukünftigen kommunalen Entwicklung.

En Dag an der Natur 2017

Already for the 20th time natur&ëmwelt organises the campaign “En Dag an der Natur”. This gives an opportunity to organisations, clubs, communes and others to organise an activity under the subject of nature an environment protection. Life Orchis also contributes an event to this with 2 walking-tours along its areas. These bring the opportunity to get to know the dry grasslands with orchids and to spend a nice time in nature.

The dates for the walking-tours are:


En Dag “Ouni Pestiziden”

The day without pesticides takes place from 24.-25. March 2017 in Junglinster. On Friday evening, beside the official welcome, a humorist spectacle, a questions-and-answers-discussion and a reception are presented. On Saturday, after the official welcome by the Minister for the Environment, different talks and Workshops are offered all day long. The Life Orchis Team will also be present and inform on the project and its habitats.

For further information: www.ounipestiziden.lu

Fit by nature

In the context of the “chantiers nature – Fit by nature”, Life Orchis is coorganiser of the action dry grasslands and orchards in the Junglinster region the 11.02.2017. Here you can give a hand on different measures, like the mowing of the dry grassland. The more you can learn how to prune fruit trees.

The meeting place is the parking “monument pour les victimes de la route” in the direction of Eschweiler. Those who are interested to participate are requested to contact Gilles Weber: 29 04 04 306 / gil.web@naturemwelt.lu

Other actions in the context of “Fit by nature”

Report Chantier intercommunautaire


The intercommunity work-camp, which tock place from 30.09. to 02.10, inspired around 30 nature lovers from Belgium and Luxembourg. The scrub clearing and evacuation measures were done in the Junglinster area. The surface of “Scheddelbierg” was prepared in advance in order to be able to work as effective as possible. Overall a surface of about 330 a has been cleared from sloes and mowed grass has been gathered. The workcamp can be considered as a complete success,