Celebration 25 anniversary of Natura 2000 and LIFE together with LIFE ORCHIS

Anlässlich des 25. Geburtstages des europäischen Natura 2000 Schutzgebietsnetzes und des europäischen LIFE Programmes lud natur&ëmwelt Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur zu einer Feier nach Junglinster. Auf dem Groeknapp stelle das, von natur&ëmwelt Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur derzeit durchgeführte LIFE ORCHIS Projekt Ergebnisse der bisherigen Arbeit vor.

Mike Hagen erster Schöffe der Gemeinde Junglinster unterstrich die besondere Bedeutung einer ökologisch wertvollen Landschaft und der damit verbundenen Herausforderungen vor dem Hintergrund der zukünftigen kommunalen Entwicklung.

Job advertisement

To strengthen our LIFE ORCHIS team, we are looking for a new employee

from August 1, 2016

in the scope of 20 hours / week on a period of 24 months.

The detailed job description can be found here.

We look forward to receiving your application.

natur&ëmwelt – Fit by nature

As in previous years, Fit by nature 2015/16 offers numerous ‘chantiers nature’ in valuable conservation areas during this season. The offer is aimed at volunteers of any age and offers the opportunity to actively participate in the implementation of conservation measures, to meet friends and like-minded people, to find out about projects and actions of nature&ëmwelt or simply to spend an active day in the nature.
Life ORCHIS and numerous other projects offer opportunities throughout the country.


Restoration of calcareous grassland in eastern Luxembourg

The aim of the Life+ Nature-project is to secure all remaining calcareous grasslands  (FFH 6210) and existing juniper formations (FFH 5130) in the southeast of Luxembourg and restore them on as many historically known or potential sites as possible.

The national habitat inventory (2014) revealed that the majority of the existing calcareous grassland sites are in an average condition. According to this inventory, it was no longer possible to consider many of the previously known sites as grassland as they had been encroached by scrub and succumbed to natural succession.