The area of the White Ernz is in the marginal area of the Müllerthal region and presents large forest stands with caverns, grottos and crevices. Its geology is characterized by psilonotenton formations and sandstones of Luxemburg as well as small-area marnes and limes of Strassen from the Lias and rhaetian layers and norien keuper formations from the Trias.
Even if the region only shows a few calcareous grassland and juniper formation, it is considered as an important connector for the protection of the biotope as it allows a link to other dry habitats. Overall the area is dominated by beech forest communities beside relatively large alluvial forests. The forests ans the open landscapes provide a habitat for bats, owls, woodpeckers and kites.
The objective is to maintain the existant surfaces in order to garante the connection between different calcareous grasslands and juniper formations. The connection between the different areas enables the genetic transfert of the fauna and flora and raises their chances of survival. Increasing the habitat surface, by scrub clearing of potential calcareous grasslands or juniper formations, supports the connection between habitats.