Vallée de l’Ernz noire / Beaufort / Berdorf

Card showing the Natura 2000 area (green line) and the target areas (orange)

The area of the Black Ernz with Beaufort and Berdorf is marked by a geological underground with formations of the Jura, presenting marls, limes of Strassen and sandstones of Luxembourg, and the Trias, with keuper and muschelkalk. The climat is characterized by an average annually temperature of 8 – 9 °C and average precipitation of 700-800 mm over one year.

The region presents many escarpments and gorges and has an important value for the conservation of forest biotopes, springs and nitrogen-poor open areas. These open areas are composed of heath and calcareous grassland, like for example grassland with gentian and koeleria. Part of these areas also show orchids. The presence of outlier and rock prominences as well as open landscapes describes the area as an ideal habitat for bats, wildcats, butterflies, owls, orthopters, woodpeckers and the kingfisher. This shows the importance of the area for the conservation of endangered species.

The object of the project is the improvement of the condition of the existing calcareous grassland as well as the enlargement of this habitat type.

Dry grassland on ‘Groeknapp’